
當代北歐小說與電影 — 以黑色犯罪小說為中心 (粵語作講)


當代北歐小說與電影 — 以黑色犯罪小說為中心 (粵語作講) 

Speaker: Mr. Matthew Cheng (Arts Critic, Editor) 

Contemporary Nordic Novel and Film - as Seen in the Nordic Noir (Conducted in Cantonese) 
Nordic literature has developed a diverse array of outstanding works in poetry, drama, and fairytales. In recent years, Nordic crime novels have taken the world by storm and several bestsellers have been adapted into movies - the most successful of these is the posthumously published Millennium series by Stieg Larson. Nordic crime fiction provides a rich exposé of the hidden dark side of society such as misogyny, right wing extremist policy and the impact of bleak monotonous life and work on the human psyche.  This talk will examine the genre from the perspective of book to film adaptations.
日期: 2019年10月05日 (星期六)
時間: 上午: 11:00 - 下午 12:30
地點: 香港灣仔莊士敦道30號地庫展覽廳
舉辦機構: 康樂及文化事務署
協辦機構: 天地圖書 (場地支持)
報名時間: 2019年09月05日 上午 11:00開始
備註: 如閣下成功登記將會收到電郵確認信,如未能收到確認信,請致電28239908 (張小姐)/2823 9903 (林小姐)/ 2823 9910 (區小姐) 查詢。